Barca Guest House - Venice, Italy Category: Guest House Address: Santa Croce 421 - Venice, Italy Description: The Barca Guest House is located near the students district main road and rail entrance to Venice, and is also near the charming night life area of Campo Santa Margherita where you share the tipical local life.
Check-in? You have to do it at hotel Antico Capon, Campo Santa Margherita 3004b . The hotel is located in the campo(local square) yellow building , first floor.
Check In
from 16:00 to 21:00
Included Facilities and Services
Wi-Fi access (common areas, private rooms) | YES | Wi-Fi access (dorms) | NO | Linen (private rooms) | YES | Linen (dorms) | NO | Heating | YES | Towels (private rooms) | YES | Towels (dorms) | NO | Breakfast | NO |
Important To Know
No wheelchair access
Children NOT accepted
Private rooms age restriction: no restrictions
Dorms age restriction: no restrictions
Animals NOT accepted
Terms and conditions
This property accepts only cash payments for balance. Credit/Debit Cards NOT accepted.
Taxes not included: City Tax, 3€ per person per night.
This property charges 1 night/s if canceled less than 5 days before the arrival date.
CUSTOMER RATING overall rating: 72/100
cleanliness: 71/100
staff: 71/100
location: 75/100
value: 72/100
recommended: 72/100